In 2015, Run Mindful was created as an avenue to share our values of mindfulness, running and healthy living. As we have connected with runners from around the world during the Run Mindful retreats, we’ve seen how a strong voice in a community can influence how people think about mindfulness. To further share the values of Run Mindful, we’ve decided to identify runners who embody the mindful virtues we value and empower them to be the voice of mindfulness within their community.
Run Mindful started as a passion project. We believe in mindfulness as key to healthy living and want this message to reach as vast an audience as possible. With great excitement, we are continuing the Run Mindful Ambassador program. The Ambassador program will help further connections between our running communities and highlight the amazing people who are already spreading these positive messages.

Role of Run Mindful Ambassador:
- Share running and mindfulness with your community as it makes sense for you. We want this to be an organic process, so utilize the means best fit for your personality and your social sphere.
- Examples are group runs or yoga sessions, social media, guided meditations and group talks, or word of mouth campaigns.
- The goal is to involve people in your community to pair movement and mindfulness in the best method for your personality.
- We want to hear from you on the best means to spread the word within your community. The possibilities are endless.
- Attend group workshops where tips and feedback are gathered and collaborate with other ambassadors about progress
- Represent the values of Run Mindful within your community and in your social media presence.
- Engage with and support other Ambassadors in your area for group events.
- Provide feedback to the Run Mindful leadership team on mindfulness initiatives in your community.
- Maintain availability for regular touchpoints with the Lead Ambassador and Run Mindful Leadership team.
- Continually demonstrate positive energy with your Run Mindful interactions within your community.
- Be open to speaking on the role mindfulness plays in your life and ways you use mindfulness with people in your community, other Run Mindful ambassadors or retreat attendees.
Program Requirements:
- 4 Run Mindful focused activities per year
- Examples:
- Leading group meditation pre- or post-run
- Mindfulness workshop with local running/biking/climbing club
- Run Mindful sponsored Aid Station at a local trail race
- Run Mindful sponsored Group Run
- Mindfulness materials sent to parents in conjunction with youth coaching
- Run Mindful sponsored trail work or other give back to nature activities
- Participation in mindfulness retreat with clear representation as Run Mindful Ambassador
- Family group runs with mindfulness connection
- Examples:
- Run Mindful content creation – once per month – for online sharing
- Running, Meditation, Nature Photo, Mindfulness quote, etc.
- Tag @RunMindful and @runmindfulambassador
- Feel free to tag other ambassadors and to share each other’s content
- Blog submission – once per year
- As scheduled per ambassador on Run Mindful activities calendar
- Some idea frameworks
- Journey to Mindfulness, Running and wellbeing, RunMindful retreat experience, Mindfulness in racing, trail lessons applied to everyday life, etc.
- Submit blog to Run Mindful for monthly posting
- Share retreat dates within your online and local community
- No requirement to attend a Run Mindful retreat. However, we would love to have a broad ambassador presence. (The Run Mindful Ambassador Happy Hour is a lot of fun)
Benefits of Run Mindful Ambassador:
- Discounted Run Mindful retreat attendance fees with prioritized ticket sales
- Invitation to private Ambassador happy hour at attended retreats
- Potential to share your you Mindfulness story with retreat attendees
- Priority Run Leader Opportunities
- Swag from our amazing sponsors
- Opportunities for fully comped Run Mindful retreats (travel and lodging excluded) in the Ambassador Excellence program
- Ability to host Run Mindful local pop-up events
- Run Mindful Ambassador Workshops (bi-annual, remotely) to continue your own personal development with mindfulness
- Interaction with group of diverse global ambassadors network, support each other’s initiatives and social media networks
- Support from Run Mindful leadership team to drive improvements in ambassador program
Share your ideas! We would love to hear your ideas and input. We value our ambassadors and would love to work together to grow and develop the program as a Run Mindful team! The Ambassador program is an initiative to drive Mindfulness in local communities, and the ambassadors selected will have the best sense of how to develop this within their community.